Xintan hopcalite, carbon dioxide adsorbent and desiccant are widely used in gas masks and refuge chamber.
In the event of a fire, a large amount of smoke and carbon monoxide gas are produced. Excessive carbon monoxide gas can lead to asphyxiation. So public places are generally equipped with gas masks, filter can,which is filled with hopcalite (carbon monoxide elimination catalyst), is put into the gas masks , It can quickly and effectively convert carbon monoxide into harmless carbon dioxide. Protect personal safety. Hopcalite is sensitive to moisture and is usually used with a desiccant for gas masks.

The main function of the refuge chamber is to provide a safe escape space when the self-rescue device worn by the underground personnel cannot be safely withdrawn to the ground within the rated protection time after the underground fire, explosion, outburst and other disasters happen. Mining accidents are often accompanied by toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and methane. The door of the refuge chamber is equipped with an air purification device where carbon monoxide catalyst, carbon dioxide adsorbent, desiccant and deodorant device are fixed. They can adsorbed or catalyzed toxic and harmful gases through air circulation, and Hopcalite can convert of a large amount of carbon monoxide. carbon dioxide adsorbents can absorb excessive concentrations of carbon dioxide.
Post time: Jun-20-2023